Fried Chicken

      There are lot of recipes to be made with chicken. This fried chicken is my family's favourite recipe. We used to prepare not only as a starter but also for evening tiffin. It is crispy from outside and tastes awesome.

Chicken 2 pieces
Oil For deep fry

For Marignation:
Egg 1
Milk 1/4 cup
Maida (All purpose flour) 2 tbsp

For Coating:
Oregano 1 tsp
Chilli Powder 1 tsp
Pepper 1 tsp
Paprika powder 1 tsp
Garlic powder / paste 1/2 tsp
Bread Crumbs 1/4 cup
Crushed Cornflakes 1/4 cup
Dried Sage 1 tsp (optional)
Basil 1 tsp
Salt To taste
Oil For deep fry

   Mix milk, egg and maida in a bowl. Marignade the chicken in this for 20 minutes.

   In another bowl, mix all items mentioned under coating without adding water.

   Heat oil in a pan for deep frying. After 20 minutes, roll the chicken pieces in mixed powder and deep fry them on medium heat. Fry till it becomes cooked and golden brown. It will be crispy and tastier.

   Serve hot with lemon wedges and onion rings. 

  • I hadn't used dried sage.
  • Cook only on low medium heat else it won't get cooked inside.
  • You can also replace paprika powder with kashmiri chilli powder.

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